Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Opting Out

If there’s no public-option plan
To constitute health-care reform,
To be consistent as we can
And do without one more such storm,
I say the Postal Service goes
And gladdens all commercial foes.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Zero Sum

The term Ground Zero tries my soul
Because it’s where the liners struck,
And also since, a gaping hole
Recalls that plans have run amok
To build a soaring tower where
The Twins stood. Zero progress there.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Chill, Chaps!

Sub par, the Congressman’s IQ
For whom You lie! is repartée.
He needs to joust as M.P.s do
In wry but Jolly Old U.K.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

In the Subprime of Their Lives

Remember all those subprime loans
Investment banks securitized?
That’s Wall Street slang the world bemoans
For marketing them, ill-advised,
As bundled, junk-filled mortgage bonds.
Now hear what’s next that corresponds.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Solidarity Whenever

I wonder if it still makes sense
To celebrate a Labor Day,
Proclaimed to honor trades from whence
The workers struck for decent pay,
Then health-care policies acquired,
And pensions, too, when they retired.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

No Child Left Bereft

They worried first of Grandma’s plug,
How pulling it would cause her end.
They give health-care reform a shrug.
They're nuts, if truth, they just pretend.

So much for elders, now the kids
These whackos want to use as ploys
To foil Obama, though it rids
Our dialogue of all but noise.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Allah Helps Those

As nasty world events arise
And we respond with flag unfurled,
When will we ever realize,
Not always can we change the world?