No more, on packs of cigarettes,
Just words about how they can kill.
To graphically display their threats
The FDA plans sheer ill will
Against tobacco’s industry—
Instead of messages, art work.
A smoking tracheotomy
Beneath the chin of some poor jerk,
For instance, ought to make one shrink
And not leave room for kids to think.
When NBC omitted God
While airing our Allegiance Pledge
I petulantly found it odd
So many viewers felt on edge.
In Resurrection School, no less,
We pledged a sort of godlessness.
I’m sorry Charlie Wilson died,
The wild Texas congressman
Who, anti-Soviet rebels plied,
(They then became the Taliban)
With Stinger missiles, ground-to-air,
That sowed Red chopper crews’ despair.
The Saudi mufti’s fatwa rules
That Saudi women cannot drive.
Such two-sex mobile closeness fuels
Lewd thoughts, he thinks, that might deprive
The lords and masters back at home
If unescorted wives so roam.
I cannot conjure anyone
Who loved the GOP debate
Much more than he who’ll likely run
Against a half-baked candidate.
At least from what he’s seen till now
Barack Obama must think Wow!
I know, I know. It shouldn’t be:
Hispanics here illegally.
Eleven million at last count,
A stunning figure bound to mount.
Five states have ruled it’s not okay.
The rest, though, look the other way.
Hats off to Secretary Gates
As he departs the Pentagon.
Undiplomatically he states
How much conclusion is foregone
That when it comes to join a fight
Most NATO allies opt for flight.
Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the bus ride of one the Tea Party holds dear.
In the spring of the year two thousand eleven
When only a hermit knew not Sarah Palin,
The end of whose journey was not Concord, Mass.,
But New Hampshire with hope to Mitt Romney outclass.
So righteously he pointed out,
He didn’t trample on the law.
It might be true, at least there’s doubt,
(Although it wedges in my craw)
Donated funds weren’t to campaign
But keep his wife from further pain.
We put down pets in final throes
With sadness but without remorse.
To hasten pain-racked kin’s repose,
We don’t let nature run its course.
We drug them under hospice care,
And of their end, they’re unaware.
Tony Weiner, New York’s crotch king,
Shouldn’t have to sound so bitter.
To be sure, the sort of ribbing,
Re: the bulging-undieTwitter,
Echoes taunts from boyhood playgrounds.
Why not change, then, how his name sounds?