Back as far as Alexander
Afghans proved themselves unruly,
Crushed, perhaps, but in all candor
Even we can’t rule them truly.
Mongols, Arabs, Russians, NATO,
No one’s made a go that I know.
Talibans should gain ground nowhere.
Afghans hate them for their malice.
Wouldn’t you if in their crosshair?
Voters’ fingers lopped. How callous.
Tribal deadlocks, that’s what ensues
No one wins, so how can we lose?
In Iraq a different story.
We’re already due to get out
Trouble is, once more it’s gory.
Bombs in Baghdad causing fresh doubt:
Can Iraqi forces safeguard
What our soldiers fought for so hard?
GI deaths exceed four thousand.
Is there chance their ghosts could witness
Outcomes maybe two-faced, unplanned,
Thought that brings a certain sickness
If they died so one sect takes all,
Shi’ites whom Iran could enthrall?
Meantime on our southern border
Drug cartels ramp up their violence.
Some spills over, spawns disorder,
So we need to get off defense:
Northern Mexico, attack;
Iraqis, Afghans at our back.
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