Monday, March 26, 2012

When the Saints go Marching Out

New Orleans Saints might be their name
And maybe those on offense were,
But those on defense, those to blame
For letting sport and maiming blur
By taking cash to mete out pain
Should get tossed in Lake Pontchartrain.

Or go to prison for assault
Which, aggravated, warrants time.
What better way to call a halt
To what is, off the field, a crime?
It’s not like boxing, where each side
Knows sport and cruelty collide.

Indeed a precedent exists.
Although the penalty was quick,
Instead of using just his fists,
A hockey player used his stick
To bash a rival on the rink.
His sentence? One day in the clink.

Have many NFLers died
Too young from often walloped heads?
If bounty-hunting sums applied
And hastened leaving brains in shreds,
Both those in charge and on the take
Should learn the bottom of the lake.

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