Since video’s replacing print
As our most widespread medium
And how you smile and how you squint,
(Albeit both grow tiresome)
In public life can dominate,
Paul Ryan learned so in debate.
Joe’s interruptions, maybe rude,
Drew censure from the GOP.
At times his rival, more subdued,
Became unglued, which seemed to be
A ploy to rouse the liberal base
And recent polling dips erase.
They trailed Obama’s sleepy gig
On stage with Mitt the week before.
So Democrats, to arms! Think big!
The next time out, give Joe the floor
As presidential candidate,
Barack, of course, as running mate.
In Russia, there is precedent.
Medvedev, the prime minister,
And Putin, once more president,
Have traded jobs, which caused some stir.
But please don’t judge the scheme as cursed,
And mention where you read it first.
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