Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Insanity's Nadir

The N.R.A.’s Wayne LaPierre
In lecturing the nation’s press
On how the country must  beware
Of classroom kills that leave a mess
From kids whose lives had just begun,
Proposed a good guy with a gun.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Now or Never

Just maybe as a nation we
This time can see the slain as prey
And not, as kooks would have them be,
Fit martyrs for the N.R.A.
To propagate a greater cause
For ever looser weapons laws.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Here Come the Brides, and Grooms

In some states fifty years ago
If whites wed blacks, they broke the law.
Today in thirty-one, Jim Crow
Might tip his hat at what he saw:
Gay couples who can’t tie the knot.
Why? Legislators’ tommyrot!