Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Are We Fighting For?

Though for the most part, we’re devout,
Ofttimes Americans don’t know
Just what their faith is all about,
Responses to a survey show.

Near half the canvassed Protestants
Could not name Martin Luther as
The first to give their congregants
Deaf ears to what a Pontiff says.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Who's Storing the Mind?

The District of Columbia
Has voted out its one-term mayor.
The major reason? His idea
To name as his school chancellor
A firebrand named Michelle Rhee,
Who cashiered teachers lacking skill,
A governmental novelty,
Indeed, a sort of fire drill.
The point? Thereafter never flout
Your pupils’ test scores, or get out.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

An Rx for Death

For now, insurers can’t withdraw
Your plan if you or yours get sick
From some past biologic flaw.
You’d think they should have cared a lick
Until you realize their goal:
Net income not disease control.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Adios, Cuban Clunkers

After more than half a century,
Cuban Communism’s cracking.
Just like in a penitentiary,
Labor worth its name was lacking.
Fidel and his brother Raul—
Facing up to state-paid shirkers,
Jobs whose of, proles ran afoul—
Pink-slipped half a million workers.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tea and Sociopathy

As namesakes, these are barely such:
Those long ago threw overboard
The tea the British taxed too much.
Today’s Tea Partyers afford
A glimpse of hopefuls unchagrined
Who toss their chances to the wind.