Monday, April 9, 2012

Shake it Up, Mitty, Twist and Turn

Mitt Romney hires forthright guys,
Not lackeys just to run and fetch.
The one demonstrably most wise
Said candidates will Etch a Sketch
Until their primary’s been won,
Then shake the box till all’s undone.

His boss, blasé about the poor,
Because they had a safety net
Apparently was premature.
He mentions now that facing threat
Are kids of lawless immigrants
And single moms. Thus he recants.

He also needs the women’s vote
They choose Obama two-to-one.
Since Mitt has frowned while taking note
Of contraception just for fun,
He’d find them jobs to do them good
Though terminate Planned Parenthood.

He’s thawed some on entitlements
The sick, the lame and old enjoy.
The seniors’ voting bloc presents
A grim but necessary ploy
To move toward center stage and win
A spot Barack’s already in.

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