Sunday, August 9, 2009

August of the Fourth Reich

Reform of health care might be near
If lots of those who fight reform
Must shout so others cannot hear
Debate within the civil norm.
In beer halls, Brown Shirts used this ploy,
Too dumb to reason, just annoy.

Ironic, all the more their role,
The Nazi label nowadays
Gets pinned on government control,
Which proxies’ astroturfing flays
As menace to the status quo,
That well-paid hodge-podge source of woe.

So message and their practice clash.
While ranting with Hitleric glare,
They go to all extremes to trash
Obama as the Third Reich’s heir
At town-hall talks in many states
While on the air Rush bloviates.

The President will euthanize
Some sick among the elderly.

So Limbaugh likes to theorize,
And many listeners agree.
How is it that we’ve come to this
Beyond insanity’s abyss?

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