Tuesday, August 28, 2012

No-Class Warfare

Mitt Romney’s latest lie deluxe
Is claiming that Obamacare
Would drain three-quarter trillion bucks
(Or so) from Medicare—though where?
Not benefits as he attests
But wellness givers’ treasure chests.

Sheer volume gives our health-care act
A take-or-leave-it leverage
To lower pay that they exact
And give the government the edge
In battling egregious greed
To safeguard strength of those in need.

M.D.s, insurers, hospitals
Could find new ways to integrate,
Which peer-examined chronicles
Have noted how they elevate
Restorative effectiveness.
Alternatively, more for less.

Ironically, Republicans
Would kick the same can down the road
For ten more years before their plans
To issue vouchers, we are told,
To pay an ever greater share
For more expensive Medicare.

So when Mitt says Barack withdrew
Those megabucks to aid the poor
And that the program’s not for you,
It’s like the previous manure
He spoke to drive his base berserk:
That welfare folks no longer work.

If he is set to take this fight,
The votes in droves he needs to win
Are from a base that’s mostly white.
It’s not the color of the skin
Of most whose needs he denigrates
I hope decisive loss awaits.

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