Saturday, July 25, 2009

Here's Looking at Harmony

Cambridge lawman highly rated;
Harvard icon agitated.
Maybe burglar, former’s thinking;
Latter: I‘m home. This is stinking!
President Obama: See here!
Can’t we three just get a cold beer?

Henry Gates, renowned black scholar—
Though the cops are quick to holler—
Claims a case of racial profiling.
Sgt. Crowley gripes, That’s riling,
Feigning interracial crises.
Tolerance, he tutors rookies.

Will this discord ever finish?
Black-white fellowship should flourish.
The DNA from shared descent
Is 99.9%.
Blacks, though, still watch taxis drivers
Go for white, more distant riders.

Traffic cops pull black folks over
More than whites folks. Why such fervor?
Different strokes is not an answer.
Prejudice is legal cancer.
Worse it’s often self-fulfilling,
Victims of it rendered chilling.

Furthermore, police statistics
Show that in the legal matrix,
Black males, surely juveniles,
Show up more in courtroom files,
Crammed with youngsters' records blemished,
Often due to homes impoverished.

Happily we have a way out,
One the chiefs will outshout no doubt:
Take away the mace and tasers.
Turn the beat cops into boozers.
Give them cash as standard issue.
Other guys than Gates then hoist brew.

Maybe weigh their common genome.
Just make sure they both get rides home.

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