Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest

The world has plumbed a brand new low.
A California fraudster shoots
An idiotic video
That shows Mohammed at his roots
To be a clownish pedophile
And prophet only in denial.

As if that wasn’t dumb enough,
Throughout the Muslim world mobs rage
As though such lowly You Tube stuff
Belonged upon the global stage
As U.S. foreign policy,
Despite sincere diplomacy.

Before Egyptian hell broke free
And our ambassador was killed
In Libya—our embassy
In Cairo bashed the vid hate-filled
As prostituting free-speech rights
With hurtful anti-Muslim slights.

A tactful try to keep the peace
And even though it didn’t work,
Back home as though without surcease
Mitt Romney, sounding like a jerk,
Lambasted an apology
To rowdies not yet on their spree

How dare he say the dumbest thing
When by the clock he had it wrong?
Who knew the strife the film would bring
Until the riots came along?
Distain for truth I wish he’d pledge
To halt at least at ocean’s edge.

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