Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Some of Your Worst Enemies are Jews

Should Israel bombard Iran
To decimate enrichment plants
That, even though denials, can
Create the chilling circumstance
Where mullahs have atomic bombs
To lob at rabbis singing psalms?

It wouldn't be the first such raid
Just ask Iraq or Syria.
Without our overt nod or aid
But flaunting its criteria
It took out such facilities
To forgo worse hostilities.

Today, though, we’d be more engaged.
Because of distance to a site,
We’d have our tanker aircraft staged
To refuel F-15s mid-flight
With bunker-busters (ours) renowned
For smashing targets underground.

But won’t Iranians rebuild,
And would we want to just repeat
Incurring hate for workers killed
From even youngsters in the street
Who’d rather have a Tehran spring
Than theocratic vetoing?

If cyberstrikes and boycotts fail
To change the mullahs’ pro-nuke view,
I’ll float a thought that most assail
As one we’d only live to rue,
A storm, I’d hope, before a calm:
Allow Iran to have the bomb.

What makes you think that it would dare
To use it more than Pyongyang, say?
Or Soviets—or we—aware
Mass slaughter would be on the way.
If India and Pakistan
Could fight without it, Iran can.

Or better yet, not pose a threat,
And barter oil sanctions down.
Its urbane populace, I bet,
Must think their president’s a clown:
The mullahs’ Ahmadinejad,
Who thinks his orders come from God.

Rise up, Rise up, you repressed youth!
(I know, I know, you’ve tried before.)
Far be it I to preach the truth,
I want you, though, to sidestep war,
For if time comes to light the fuse,
Your worst foes in the world are Jews.

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